Friday, November 18, 2011

Renovations Galore!

As you can see, my blog has been undergoing a lot of renovations lately. I made myself a bucket list, I made a page for my "snibbets of writing," and, to make it easier for you guys to know when I've posted, I've added a "Subscribe" button. Thingy. Which will send all my post updates to your email. Guaranteed to clutter your inbox.

I'm thinking of making another page. This one will be for suggestions for YOU to give ME. All you need to do is comment and let me know what you think of my blog layout, suggest blog backgrounds, suggest ideas for posts, give me challenges, all that fun stuff. I would love to hear from all of you! I want my blog to be highly entertaining for you guys. So, please let me know!

Last week was a very unproductive week. I was sick, which made it difficult for me to accomplish my schoolwork or get much writing in. For NaNoWriMo, I have only just passed the halfway mark (25,000), which makes me at 28,000, but I have a week to go. Only! I should be able to get to 50,000 if I write 4,000 words a day. Right now, I can't see that happening, but.... I'm determined. I'm going to try. I will push for the goal! And if any other WriMos are reading this, take courage, my friends! It's not over yet! I know you can do it! Yes, even you, Bethany. ;)

Despite an unproductive and cold-infested week, the weekend was fabulous. Full of dancing, and writing, and piano playing, and chatting with some really great friends. The dancing part of it was a youth Scottish Country Dance at my church. It was a blast! For once, we actually had almost an even ratio of guys to girls. There were only 2 more girls than guys for the first little while, but then 3 more showed up and it was 5 more girls. We usually have WAY less guys than girls, making it somewhat of a pathetic dance. :P Only about 20 something people showed up, but like our dance teacher, Rebecca, says: "It's not the quantity, it's the quality."

The dances we did included the infamous Virginia Reel, Strip the Willow, the Dashing White Sergeant, and the Postie's Jig. We also did a circle dance at the beginning, but I can't remember what that's called. They were all super fun! Rebecca taught us the steps and then we danced away. :D

On Saturday, we got a new vehicle! I will post a picture of it if I can. It's a green GMC suburban, an 8-seater. The seats are super comfortable and there is a lot more space than in our old safari. I heartily approve of it! :)

While the rest of the family went out to test the new vehicle, I stayed home and wrote at least 3,000 words for my NaNo and practiced the hymns for Sunday (I played piano in both services). Sunday was a stressful, yet beautiful day. How can that be so, you ask? Well, it was stressful because I led the congregation in song by playing all the hymns. I always get slightly nervous about that. It was beautiful because it was the LORD's day, and the LORD's day is always glorious. We get to worship God in His house! I always look forward to that. In his sermon, my pastor said that the days of the week were created for the Sabbath, and not the Sabbath for the days of the week. I thought that was an interesting point. The entire sermon was about how we should rest on Sunday from our productive work, the work we do on the week days. The work we do on Sundays should be for pleasure, and not for producing. Good sermon. It really made me think.

Tuesday was pretty much an awesome day. I got up at 6am and worked for 3 hours around the house as a surprise for my mom. I cleaned up all the main areas and organized some things. Work gives me a great sense of satisfaction and is a wonderful stress-reliever. It helps me to clear my muddled thoughts. I also was able to get a good start on my schoolwork. I'm trying to make up for the lost time of last week.

Hope this post wasn't too boring for you! :) I'll try to spice up my future posts. But first, I'm going to need super creative suggestions from all you creative peoples!

Question of the Post! (since I've decided to do that from time to time, just to be a copycat :P)
Have you started listening to Christmas music yet? What are your favourite Christmas carols?


P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends! :) May it be filled with turkey, stuffing, potatoes, etc., lots of fellowship with friends and family, and above all, God's abundant blessings!


  1. Hey Julia! Me again...yes I guess I comment quite often...anywho.

    I was wondering if your Scottish Country Dance teacher is Rebecca Peters, or if it's someone else, because Mrs. Peters (her first name was Rebecca) used to be my SCD teacher! :)

    And YES! I've started listening to Christmas music already! My favorite song right now is this one:

    It's a combo of Star Of Wonder and We Three Kings. :) I Love it! <3

  2. I like the way you did the tabs up at the top. I love changing my background and fooling around with the colors and fonts. :) Check out my background..I just changed it to more of an Autumn background :D
    I've totally started to listen to Christmas music! I love it! My favorite song is "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas.." :D
    Nice blog! Keep it up!

  3. Hey Emma! I love reading your comments! Keep on commenting! :)
    I'm pretty sure that's her! I never really found out her last name though, so I can't be certain. But yeah, I used to take dance lessons from her too.
    Cool song! I like JJ Heller. :)

    @Rebecca: Thanks! I like doing that too. I saw your blog and it looks really neat! Keep going with it! You're a great inspiration to me. ^_^

  4. Yes, I have started listening to Christmas music! I'm currently compiling a Christmas music playlist of all the classics to be played on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

    I'm still digesting my Thanksgiving food(jk).

    Wait, am I the one that gave you the "Question of the post" idea? Or am I copying someone else?

  5. Awesome! I love sorting through all my favourite Christmas songs and putting them into a playlist. :)

    You and others. Mostly Elisa, I think. :)


Leave a short blurb here or even a long one and you will be rewarded with a smile! I hope to be inspired by your awesome comments. :)