I'm done!! I'm finished the dreaded month of November! Okay, so it hasn't been
that bad, especially because of the Oregon trip, and fun church stuff, and the dance. But the stressful part of it has been NaNoWriMo. And I'm done with that! For good! Well... until next year, that is. ;)
My book is not even near to being done, but I got 50,000 words done and it feels wonderful! I finished at exactly 9 minutes to midnight. To all the other Wrimos who finished, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D I reward you with cookies and hot chocolate. You deserve them!! And all those who tried but didn't quite make it, you're still amazing! Never forget it! It still took a lot of effort and time, even to just TRY this challenge! Kudos to you. :)
There were times I wanted to give up. There were times I just wanted to throw the computer out the window, or destroy my Word document, or tear up my "ideas" notebook. But the better part of me restrained my hand. I pushed on. And all the effort, all the late nights, all the caffeine (in truth, it wasn't that much... I'm not a big caffeine person :P), all the endless strings of words running through my head in a big muddled mess, they were all worth it! Worth every bit of it. I got 50,000 words down, jibberish though they may have been, and it was worth the effort. Worth the pain. And, though I shudder to say this, worth the stress.
Another major thing that happened in the month of November was what I had been waiting for for three months. The OYAN novel contest results (for those of you who don't know, that's One Year Adventure Novel, THE best writing program there is). Yes, the results were announced in a live webinar by the teacher of OYAN and his amazing wife, Mrs. S. They were certainly dressed to fit the occasion! Mrs. S was wearing a pretty dress, while Mr. S. conducted himself in a tuxedo and bowtie. They took some time to announce the 8 finalists and the 3 winners, yet my name never came. The 2011 OYAN novel contest has been lost by Julia Duke.
But I have not given up hope! There are more years to come! More novels to write and more contests to enter! Hopefully more contests to win. ;) And honestly, I'm not surprised I didn't win this year. It was only my first year entering, with my very first novel, so I hadn't a whole lot of experience. This next novel I'm working on shall be a million times better, I can promise you that! For all those who supported me, gave me encouraging words, and pushed me on to finish my first novel, I thank you. It is an experience I would not give up for the world.
With the stress of November over, I can focus on a
new kind of stress. A much happier and enjoyable stress. Any ideas? That's right! Christmas!! :D
Now that I can put my writing behind me until after Christmas, I am able to fully enjoy this glorious season! I've already started my gift lists for my friends and family, and my own personal Christmas wish list. On Saturday, we went to Aldor Acres and chopped down a Christmas tree! It's rather short, but it's beautiful, and bushy, and our first real tree in 2 years! We had this ugly, skinny, fake one for 2 years because my dad decided he didn't want a real one. I hated it. :P But we have a gorgeous tree now that is still waiting to be decorated and already has a few presents underneath it. :)
Things I'm looking forward to this Christmas:
1. Snow! (and fluffy snow, not slushy :P)
2. Carolling!
3. Christmas baking!
4. Orchestra concerts!
5. Gift shopping!
6. Writing Christmas cards for people!
7. Drinking hot chocolate with candy canes thrown inside! (mmmm... so good :))
8. Christmas dinner with the family!
9. Decorating the house!
10. Wrapping presents!
11. Hearing the Christmas story in church!
12. Getting together with family and friends!
13. Snuggling up in warm blankets by the fireplace!
14. Reading late into the night!
15. Wishing everyone the merriest Christmas EVER!
Yes, so much joy. :) Christmas is such a beautiful holiday, but what makes it truly beautiful is the love of Jesus found in the hearts of everyone around you. Those who know the true meaning of Christmas. Not Santa, not reindeer, not elves. Jesus Christ. The precious child that was born on Christmas day, and who reigns in heaven today as our LORD and Saviour.
Happy Advent season, everyone! God bless you!
Question of the Post: What are
you looking forward to this Christmas season?